Wednesday, 23 September 2015


This photo is a medium shot. I liked the photo because the model is central and the quality is very good. I decided that this image is good but there isn't enough room for the masthead, meaning it would be hard to use.

This image is a high angle shot. I liked it because the model looks happy which is the way I would want him to appear as he is modelling for a college magazine and should look happy.

This image is a two shot. I like the image because it has two models which compliment eachother. I decided against this image is because it isn't the best of quality because it is blurry and the models are different heights so there would be a gap between the mast head and the head of the model.

This image is a left framed image. I like it because the model looks like he is deep in thought which is a good quality for a student to have, however I don't think the image is very engaging as the model isn't looking at the camera.

This is a medium close up. This image is my favourite because the model is central and the photo is good quality. The model looks happy and engaging because he is looking directly into the camera. I think the is the image that I will use for my final product because it is the best in my opinion.


Creating a new document: when in photoshop, go to file, new and then select international paper in the size A4. This is the generic size of paper which we should use to design a cover.

Inserting an image: go to open and then select the image you want to place.

Duplicating the layer: we need to duplicate the layer because if anything goes wrong then we can delete the layer without having to delete all of the work.

Adding text: select the text box button and then add the text which you want. the font, colour and size can be altered in the top ribbon. 

Healing tool: the healing tool is used to get rid of any blemishes.

Getting rid of the background: use the magnetic lasso tool I cropped around the image, and then copied and pasted it onto a new layer.
Gradient background: I used the gradient tool create a gradient background. I selected black and white as the gradient colours to make the background interesting.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Mise-en-scene is the one of the most important parts in film and media. It includes makeup, props, scenery and all the other natural and artificial details found in a media text. Mise-en-scene describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged.

Setting - Setting creates a mood and a sense of place, for the main image I will use just a plain white background because it gives the cover a simplistic look. For the shots to accompany the feature stories, I will use different settings to show a diversity between the type of students which attend the college.

Costume - Costume can include both makeup and wardrobe to convey a character's personality or status. The model I have chosen is wearing a black and white patterned top, this is another reason why I chose to use a white background, because it doesn't distract the audience with too much going on.

Location ideas - the library; the staircases; sports facilities; dance studio; front of college; the quad; mac suite; college campus; canteen; reception etc.

Possible props - books; folders; instruments; footballs; science equipment; computers etc.

Monday, 21 September 2015






LIIAR - The LIIAR analysis helps to deconstruct and evaluate a media text. It is effective because it lets you focus on the main features of a media text, those being: language; institution; ideology; audience and representation. Using a LIIAR analysis is one of the ebst ways to deconstruct a media text.

Language - Language is good because it is the codes and conventions used in all media to convey information to the audience. Language is term usually used to describe words and the way people speak but in media, language is the term used to describe more than that, it describes the composition, the theme, the images, the text and all other content. The main purpose of language is to create an image which persuades someone to buy the product. 

Ideology - An ideology is a world view, it is a system of common ideas and ideals which are shared within a certain group of people, society or an individual. It helps society understand different messages and meanings based on beliefs, values and attitudes.

Institution - Institutions are responsible for anything to do with media texts, ranging from the planing and production to the marketing and distribution of the media text itself. Institutions are important because they have to understand a companies ideology to make sure the text is correct and they have to manage, regulate and structure all media activities.

Audience - The audience is the certain group of individuals which the texts are aimed towards. The producers target a specific group of  people (for example: teenagers, sports players, mothers etc.) and tailor the product to that market because that is where they will get the most profit. The audience are important because they are the ones who will buy the product, which is why it is important for the producers to make choices which satisfy their intended target market.

Representation - Representation is the way that the media portray specific events and stories. The media construct versions of people, places and events which they want their audience to see through a certain point of view. It uses different words, images and sounds to express their version of the story. 




  • 'More than 100 students get an A* grade'
  • 'How to balance A Levels with a busy social calendar'
  • 'Almost 50% of students recieve A*-B grade'
  • 'Be the best of the best: CV Masterclass'
  • '5 students accepted into Oxbridge'
  • 'GCSE to A Level: the jump'
  • 'Dance team compete at World Championships'
  • 'Top 10 Revision Tips'
  • 'Staying awake: the tricks of the trade'
  • 'New and updated canteen menu'

Friday, 18 September 2015



Masthead - the masthead acts as the title of the magazine. It gives us an idea about what the magazine is about and it is usually recognisable. A generic masthead is usually 4-8 syllables making it short and eye catching.

Main feature image - the main image is important because it sets the theme of the magazine and gives the audience a clue about what is inside. The main image must also be eye catching to attract the audience.

Main feature - the main feature story is usually the most important in the magazine. It is normally the biggest feature story on the cover, catching the attention of the audience, making them read it, and hopefully entice them to buy the magazine to read more.

Feature stories - secondary feature stories are important because it shows a selection of stories which can be found in the magazine. If a magazine has more feature stories on the cover, it is more likely to be bought as then there is more chance of the audience finding a story which interests them.

Plug - a plug is used to catch the attention of the audience. The plug usually will be advertising something which the target market are likely to be interested in. This could be a special offer or a prize etc.

Barcode and price - the barcode is important because without it, the product would be allowed to be sold in shops. Some college magazines are free so the barcode and price wouldn't be needed but if the product was designed for the retail then it should have both.

Colour scheme - the colour scheme is essential to make the magazine attractive. The colours must compliment each other to make the front cover appealing to the audience. For example, the colour used for education is purple and the colours which compliment purple are green and orange.

URL - the URL on a magazine is sometimes overlooked, however it could possibly be one of the most important features on the cover. In the modern day, the internet is used a lot more frequently and so it is vital for the magazine to have a webpage as well.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Tuesday, 15 September 2015



"To design a College magazine front cover and a mock up contents page. Images used on the front cover must be original (taken by you)."