Wednesday, 23 September 2015


Creating a new document: when in photoshop, go to file, new and then select international paper in the size A4. This is the generic size of paper which we should use to design a cover.

Inserting an image: go to open and then select the image you want to place.

Duplicating the layer: we need to duplicate the layer because if anything goes wrong then we can delete the layer without having to delete all of the work.

Adding text: select the text box button and then add the text which you want. the font, colour and size can be altered in the top ribbon. 

Healing tool: the healing tool is used to get rid of any blemishes.

Getting rid of the background: use the magnetic lasso tool I cropped around the image, and then copied and pasted it onto a new layer.
Gradient background: I used the gradient tool create a gradient background. I selected black and white as the gradient colours to make the background interesting.

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