Wednesday, 23 September 2015


This photo is a medium shot. I liked the photo because the model is central and the quality is very good. I decided that this image is good but there isn't enough room for the masthead, meaning it would be hard to use.

This image is a high angle shot. I liked it because the model looks happy which is the way I would want him to appear as he is modelling for a college magazine and should look happy.

This image is a two shot. I like the image because it has two models which compliment eachother. I decided against this image is because it isn't the best of quality because it is blurry and the models are different heights so there would be a gap between the mast head and the head of the model.

This image is a left framed image. I like it because the model looks like he is deep in thought which is a good quality for a student to have, however I don't think the image is very engaging as the model isn't looking at the camera.

This is a medium close up. This image is my favourite because the model is central and the photo is good quality. The model looks happy and engaging because he is looking directly into the camera. I think the is the image that I will use for my final product because it is the best in my opinion.

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